Learn The History Of South-Central Oklahoma With This Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt
Kids love learning about history, as long as it’s presented in an interesting way. Unfortunately, when kids learn about history in school, they sometimes find it boring or think that it doesn’t apply to them. But if they could learn about history in a fun way, they may get more... [read more]

Let Your Little Golfer Participate In The Dornick Hills Junior

Dornick Hills Junior
It’s important to get kids involved in sports when they are young. It teaches them all kinds of skills that they can’t learn anywhere else but on the field. And if your little one’s sport of choice is golf, you are probably looking for anything that can get him or... [read more]

Find Your New Favorite Breakfast Spot In Ardmore, Oklahoma!

Breakfast in Ardmore, Oklahoma
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So doesn’t that mean that it should be the most enjoyable meal of the day as well? Sure, you can always fry up an egg for yourself at home, but if you want to take your breakfast to the... [read more]

The Best Place To Buy New Tires

Your vehicle has a lot of moving parts, and sooner or later, they’ll need some maintenance. Your tires are continuously turning, and all that use across streets and highways requires careful drivers to keep an eye out for wear and tear. When you think it’s time to pick up some... [read more]